Sunday, May 18, 2014

The man who blew it- Arvind Kejriwal

18  months ago, a new political revolution was starting to brew in India. The people of India were fed up by the bad governance & corrupt practices of political parties across the political spectrum more so by the incumbent UPA government at the centre. UPA had been a symbol of policy paralysis, divisive politics, rampant scams, tainted ministers & “accidental” prime minister. The youth of the country looked at Kejriwal as a new hope , the man who showed dreams, had the courage to fight them all, had a good track record as an administrator & who hogged into lime light after the India against corruption (IAC) movement.

Even the signs were encouraging; Kejriwal formed a political party & decided to contest the Delhi assembly polls. He sensed an opportunity & nailed it. People came to support AAP with donations in whatever form they could. Even the volunteers who were mostly young & belonging to colleges of Delhi started to spread awareness among the people by door to door campaigning. The impossible became possible & AAP managed to muster up 28 seats in the Delhi assembly polls just behind the tally of 31 of the BJP. The results were astonishing to say the least for a party which barely came into existence a few months ago. Arvind kejriwal had become a household name now. People across the country tuned into news channels which showed AAP news 24/7 . Nation saw a new hope in Kejriwal & after results people realized that AAP was actually an option even for future ventures.

This is where the downfall started. I would say inexperience & over-zealousness came to the fore. Things started to go awry, AAP supporters went on a rampage without thinking about the implications & they were led by Kejriwal. It started off with a referendum of the people. AAP though had a good number of seats but didn’t have the majority to form the government on their own. They decided to take support from congress after some SMS poll from the people. This was the first major blunder. Most of the AAP supporters & voters were not as gullible as thought by the party. When a verdict had already been given by the people, how can u form a government based on some SMS poll, that too taking support from the congress, the party which was totally covered by scams & AAP had opposed since its creation. People had clearly rejected the congress even then but AAP went against the people by taking support from the congress.
Aam Admi Party convener- Arvind Kejriwal
After that series of events & U- turns followed which started to tarnish the image of AAP. Most of its voters were from the educated middle class background. A sense of maturity was clearly missing. Seeing the turn of events like confusion over house, security, official cars ,infighting, the midnight sojourn Somnath Bharti, followed by the infamous “dharna”, blocking metro, stir against Lt. governor, resigning without any plausible reason to name a few. Resigning was a big blunder as the man touted to solve all the problems with all the big promises made was simply relegated to a “Bhagoda”.

It seemed as if Kejriwal was in a hurry to contest the national elections. Ambition of power overtook the real motive with which he formed the party. Everything began to fall apart. AAP volunteer’s registrations were done in frenzy across the nation. Overnight it was decided that AAP would be contesting more than 400 seats. Suddenly people started viewing AAP as any other party. The difference was diminishing between AAP & others. Kejriwal thought that the success of Delhi could be easily replicated all over India. He started blaming everyone around him to get sympathy of the public. Ironically media became one of his prime targets which were one of the main reasons of the success of AAP in the first place.

The last nail in the coffin was the change in the direction of campaign from being anti establishment, anti corruption to anti Modi. Kejriwal realized that Congress would be rejected in these elections; hence he decided to take Modi head on. This proved to be a blunder. All his speeches were against Modi & Gujarat. In fact he decided to challenge Modi directly from Varanasi. He went to Gujarat & tweeted from villages that there is no development to be seen. Most of these villages had WIFI internet connectivity & internet/Mobile networks were easily accessible which Kejriwal was using to tweet. In Modi , public saw another agent of change with proven track record & Kejriwal was blown away in the "Tsu-namo(i)".

The best thing that could have happened for AAP was that they should have continued to run the government in Delhi & contested a few Lok Sabha seats this time around. It was a great opportunity to showcase their governance skills in Delhi with so many problems to be solved. They could have told their achievements to the people before going into the polls. Also, the party being new & having a small base could have fared well if it had contested in selected states & constituencies. If they would have contested in 80 to 100 seats & planned appropriately, it was possible that they could have scored 20-25 seats. These constituencies could have been chosen strategically which was neither a stronghold of BJP nor Congress. Instead they decide to contest against the big guns like Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Dr Harshwardhan to name a few, needles to say all losing badly. Most the money & resources were used in Varanasi where Kejriwal barely managed to save his deposit. In fact more than 400 AAP candidates including Kumar Vishwas, yogendra Yadav, Shazia Ilmi  lost their deposit making the exchequer rich, which was their biggest contribution in this election. Even in their bastion Delhi, all 7 AAP candidates lost by more than 1 Lakh votes. A great opportunity lost, clearly Arvind Kejriwal committed Hara-kiri.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are strictly personal in nature. They should be considered in individual capacity only.